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Salesforce Proactive Customer Care

Get Your Salesforce Back On Track With Proven Salesforce Rescue Service.

Girikon’s Commitment

At Girikon, we are committed to providing reliable proactive customer support to ensure a seamless Salesforce journey for our clients. We believe in stepping in early and providing timely assistance to drive our customers towards sustainable success.

Who Are Salesforce Proactive Customer Care For?

Salesforce Proactive Customer Care is tailored for organisations that start their Salesforce journey on the wrong foot. Their initial implementation overlooks Salesforce’s best practices and standard processes. Though manageable at first, as their businesses scale, the unstable system can’t keep up, and quick fixes no longer suffice. For these customers, a comprehensive system overhaul is needed. That’s where Girikon can step in to reverse a botched Salesforce implementation.

Who Are Salesforce Proactive Customer Care For?
How Does Our Salesforce Proactive Customer Care Work?
System Audit
System Audit

First, we perform a comprehensive audit of the existing Salesforce setup to identify pain points, inefficiencies, and misalignments with business objectives during the discovery phase.


We design a comprehensive implementation roadmap tailored to meet both short-term needs and long-term goals. Our flexible support model adapts to your unique needs, offering robust support during critical phases and scaling down seamlessly during quieter periods.


We repair a failed Salesforce implementation with standard architecture and best practices as the priority. We make sure you can leverage the full potential of your CRM investment.

Why Should You Choose Our Salesforce Proactive Customer Care?

Solution-First Approach


Customer-Centric Innovation


Sustainable Success

Proactive Customer Care Case Studies With Illustrative Journey Maps

Charlotte, a Director of Support Services at a nonprofit dedicated to helping individuals in health recovery, reached out to Girikon when her Salesforce Admin left the organisation.


Liz, a Business Manager at a touring company, turned to Girikon for assistance after encountering delays and incomplete solutions from her previous Salesforce partner.

Aus Pair
Aus Pair

Gwen, a Managing Director of a renowned cultural exchange and education provider, turned to Girikon after experiencing three unsuccessful engagements with different implementation partners.

* Customers’ and companies’ names have been changed to maintain confidentiality. ** The images shown are for illustrative purposes only.

Delighted Clients

Learn how we can help you. Schedule a complimentary consultation.
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Level 8, 90 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, VIC 3000, Australia
Greenwood Business Park, LG, Building 1/301 Burwood Hwy, Burwood VIC 3125, Australia